Aaron's Story
I was raised Pentecostal my whole life we always went to church. Somewhere along the way, since I was so close to it, I took it for granted and I started searching for something different. I started running from the call of God on my life.
My Story
I started doing anything I could to fill the empty void I had in my life. I found myself lost, always in bars or in the streets running wild. Bound by drugs and alcohol so deeply to the point that I lost friends, I was losing family, and most of all, I was losing myself. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. For nine years, I found myself in a routine of doing the same ole thing --- to the point where I almost lost my mind and my life. But I had a praying momma and a praying daddy that wouldn’t give up!
God touched my life, showed me how merciful He was, and completely turned my life around. I found something drugs couldn’t do, alcohol couldn’t fix, tobacco couldn’t ease --- I found a merciful God! We serve an awesome GOD. So ma'am, sir, that has lost family members or loved ones, it seems you have pleaded with GOD and have put forth all your energy but still it feels like it’s all lost and all hope is gone, keep praying, keep pushing! I promise God hears your prayers, and in due time, He will start to work in that young man's life or young lady's life! They can’t ever go too far for God to bring them back, I promise! I am a testimony of that today.